Our Portfolio
Kim and Richard face up to the fact that she has cancer - in their own words the treatment is just a process to get through before getting on with their lives. They didn't consider the challenge of having to relay the message time after time to their friends and family reliving the moment they were first made aware.

Ryan (Gavin Fowler) struggles to find a connection with his partner Amy whos much more interested in her phone but that's the least of his worries as later that night he is haunted by a persistent knock at the door which escalates into a nightmarish evening he will never forget.

Our first full feature film, created on a micro-budget tells the story of Neville a man who struggles to fit into society but sees it more as the world's problem than his own. His life takes a very strange turn when he meets Lucy (Alex Lochrie) at a people skills training course.
Available to Stream on Amazon Prime.